
Posts Tagged ‘Kentucky….’

Going Home to Kentucky

January 28, 2011 25 comments

New York??
I’m gonna be planning a trip to New York pretty soon here, any suggestions on fun things to do? Or any good stores to shop?

Answer: from what i heard from my sister,China Town’s pretty cool

Written by Randy Lanham, performed by Emily Jane Clark, and filmed in Owensboro, KY.

Categories: Local News Tags: , ,


January 26, 2011 2 comments

Hi, so we are going on a trip to Kentucky and I just wanted to know if there are any good places to visit like tourist attractions, museums, ect. We will be around Louisville and we have already been to the slugger museum, so any help would be great! thanks

Answer: Louisville Zoo, Louisville Science Center, Muhammad Ali Center, are just a few. I guess some of this depends on the ages of those that will be with youand what area you are staying in. I would google Louisville attraction, that may give you a better idea what falls under things you want to do. I hope you enjoy yourself.

The Governor of Pennsylvania wants to raise the gas tax 1 cent, is that bad?
Governor Rendell of Pennsylvania wants to raise the gasoline tax 1 cent, thats “ONE PENNY” and everybody is complaining!, thats only $ 9 dollars a year for the average consumer, we can afford that!

Answer: It is trivial, particularly if the money goes to roads. As I recall, yours are terrible and will need more than an additional penny per gallon to fix.

Categories: Local News Tags: